The first involves a brand new Trans Am or Camaro that someone bought from the police department for $500. The story behind the car was that someone was driving it and it left the road and ended up in a field. The driver died, but wasn't found for several months. As a result, there was a smell in the car that wouldn't come out, thus the cheap price.
The second story involved Rod Stewart and having to have his stomach pumped after falling ill during a show. For decency's sake, I won't mention what was pumped, but safe to say, it wasn't Krystals.
When I left my small town (Waverly) for college, I started meeting people from other areas and states. Through conversations (how, I don't know), these two stories popped up over time. Ironically, several people indicated they had heard these stories as well. While the details may have differed - some indicated it was a Mustang that was wrecked and the amount of "substance" pumped from Mr. Stewart varied from a pint to 2 quarts; the gist of the stories was the same.
So, what is so big about these stories? Well, for those of you who have always had a cell phone, computer, or access to the Internet, you may assume these stories started in a single location and went viral in the Internet and e-mail worlds, Well, you are wrong. The only methods of communication we, as teens, had were actual conversations (weird huh), wired telephones hanging on the wall in our parents' kitchen, and letters that were written out and given to the US Postal system to deliver.
So how did these stories make the rounds? I seriously doubt anyone wrote about these or called out-of-state friends/family. These weren't in the Star or National Enquirer rags. Could there be some margin of truth? Who knows?
Have any of you heard of these?
Zach, A Tennessee Squire